Counteracting the Low Vaccination Rate


"There was a household with six adolescent teenagers with measles, all sitting in the dark"  described by Jacqueline Fletcher, the public health nursing director for Ohio's Knox County.

Since most Amish do not have phones, the public health authorities conducted door-to-door visit to educate people about vaccines. Not only that, vaccination clinics were set up and CDC officials even flew in to support the effort by distributing about 10,500 vaccines. "They have been excellent about quarantining themselves," said Richland County public health nurse, Sue McFarren. "If they have a case, they stay home until it's run its course."

Online reference:
The Guardian, 2014. Measles outbreak among Amish in Ohio risks spreading at buggy showcase. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 12 June 2015].

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